5 Ways REDiNotify Can Improve Your Bank’s Customer Service

by | Jul 19, 2023 | Blogs

Customers and members expect seamless and personalized experiences from banks and credit unions. They want to access the information they need, when and where they need it. Prompt communication and timely updates play a crucial role in meeting these expectations.

That’s where tools like REDiNotify comes in. REDiNotify is a comprehensive notification solution that integrates across systems including core processors, loan, teller, card, and CRM platforms, to alert customers to everything from account takeover attempts to loan payment due dates and payment activity, to natural disasters. Here are some of the ways that REDiNotify can positively impact your customer service:

Personalized alerts: REDiNotify enables financial institutions to deliver highly personalized alerts tailored to customer’s individual preferences and requirements. This means that customers can receive notifications about the things that are important to them, whether it be low balances, promotional offers, or custom events such as card usage outside of a certain geographic region, or blocked merchants.

Real-time communication: When it comes to account-related information, and especially as it relates to fraud, timeliness is critical. REDiNotify enables real-time alerts, ensuring that customers are informed about important changes to their accounts instantly, and can act quickly to prevent fraud or resolve other issues such as late payments, and negative balances.

Multi-channel communication: REDiNotify supports email, voice, text, and mobile app notifications. Taking a multi-channel approach ensures that customers receive alerts where they’re most likely to engage and respond while improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Streamlined operations: REDiNotify seamlessly integrates with a wide array of systems, eliminating silos and leveraging data from multiple sources to trigger relevant and contextually relevant6 notifications. For example, if a customer makes a loan payment, REDiNotify can automatically send a confirmation message while updating the CRM and core banking system simultaneously. By streamlining these processes, REDiNotify improves operational efficiency, reduces manual efforts, and ensures accurate and consistent communication with customers.

Actionable, on-demand alerts for empowered customers: REDiNotify starts with sending notifications, but its most meaningful impact is in empowering members and customers to act. For example, alerting them when their account balance falls below a certain threshold and helping them avoid overdraft fees, is an excellent way to engender loyalty. By providing actionable notifications, REDiNotify empowers customers to take immediate action, resolve issues promptly, and make informed financial decisions.

In today’s customer-centric banking environment, effective communication and timely updates are essential to delivering superior customer service. By leveraging REDiNotify, community banks and credit unions can enhance customer satisfaction, foster stronger relationships, and improve operational efficiency, ultimately solidifying their position as trusted financial partners.

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